Friday, September 9, 2011

Favourite Year Two Moment

So it is Friday, and as always it is time for the Reader Post. This Reader Post is different in the fact I am not asking you about something in game directly or something to do with the lore or story of the game. I asked you straight out to celebrate my 2nd year with telling me what your favourite Gaussafication moment of the past year was. So without making you all wait and see here it goes.

My favourite thing? Well this is simple. I really enjoy how you made Machinima a weekly thing. You would always throw videos out there every once and awhile, but wasn't a for sure thing. I was never really into machinima until I saw all the videos you were posting. It is simply amazing to watch some of these marvelous creations and having you bring this movie makers and not just some blood elf rap crap to show us is something I am sure they thank you for and I do as well.

I enjoyed this year how you showed how involved you are with others blogs, news, and all that. You have not only kept up with the great humour you provide, but have also introduced us to others who do the same. The Daily Blink for example is something I never would have came in contact with if you never showed it to us. Also I like your analysis of the game, and how you have showed us you actually understand mechanics of the game and not are just some ass who likes to make fun of people for doing retarded things. I also want to point out to you, to never stop doing that because I still actually break out in tears reading some of your stuff. Keep up the good work.

Without a doubt your Not Turkey Day part 2. I really thought it couldn't get any better than your first installment, but part 2 built on it and I loved it. I love your common sense humour and your ability to turn the simplest of things which shouldn't mean anything. To be the joke of all jokes. The perfect example being your hatred for Pallys. Please never stop this it is absolutely awesome. I have actually been looking forward to Thanksgiving since last year just to see what you come up with this year.

 I really love how you were able to poke fun at yourself again for your "Gauss Noob Moments". We all know they happen, but it takes some gusto to make fun of yourself on the open stage like that and I don't think it goes unnoticed. I guess following it up with the "Noobs of the Year" wasn't a bad option either. It is one thing to portray yourself as amazing and untouchable and make it something that you have to keep reading with it, but it is extremely entertaining even for once a year for you to flip it around. Keep up the great blog I love reading as I am sure others do as well.

I loved your new found insight or at least the insight you started giving. It just wasn't about making fun of idiots anymore there was much more to this blog. I am sure some people are upset about that, but there is only so far you can go with all of that. I see it as long as you keep all of that in the blog everyone should be happy. Everything has to evolve and you have done so in a great way.

There you have it. Thank you to everyone for the kind words it has been a great 2 years writing this blog and I hope to continue to grow and make it better for as long as I possibly can. Enjoy your weekend everyone!


  1. I really like how you have taken the blog to new places, and still kept what brought everyone here in the the first place. Great work and keep it coming.

  2. Hi,
    Apologies to contact so abruptly. I've recently started by own World of Warcraft blog, and was wondering if you might like to share links between our blogs. Mine tends to focus on a humorous in-character viewpoint of the game world. I've only just started, it is over on and if you are willing to link, it would seriously help me increase traffic and get some viewers.
    Thank you.
