Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Deathwing Has Returned

Here we are only 2 days from Blizzcon and we are all sitting back wondering what is going to happen. What are they going to reveal to us this year? What about all those things we are hoping for will we be getting them? Well for this week's list I thought I would be a great time to look back at my Favourite Blizzcon Reveals so here we go.

5. The Black Soulstone

We knew Diablo III was in the works we, of course, had no clue when we were actually going to get our hands on it. Seeing this cinematic though really got us to the point where we knew it was getting closer.

4. Heart of the Swarm Reveal

This trailer showed off the campaign while giving us a peek at some new units we would be getting to use. Now some of these units never made it into the game, but no matter at the time I was pretty pumped about it and probably watched the trailer quite a few times.

3. Blizzard DOTA

A game which has changed names twice since then and is now just know as Heroes of the Storm gave us a look at a game we were not expecting. Gave us a look at a game we then became pretty exciting for. A game we are all still waiting to be released. I guess they really meant "soonis" when they said it.

2. Demon Hunter Reveal and Trailer

I remember how pumped I was after I saw this trailer the first time. It really gave me a good look at not only how they were developing the Diablo classes but how the game would feel. Not to mention how angry the demon hunter was at the world.

1. Cataclysm Announcement

For a couple weeks before this was announced there was rumors all over the internet. There was talk about how this couldn't be and how this couldn't be and how an expansion like this could never happen. The thing is though it didn't happen and I will never forget the roar of the crowd when it did.

There you have it. My favourite reveals from Blizzcons over the years. Do you have a favourite you think deserves a mention? As always let me know.

1 comment:

  1. If only that protross replicator made it into the game imagine the awesomeness
