Tuesday, September 8, 2009

WoW Voice clips have a use in real life

So we play the game and we enjoy the voice clips, but maybe I am the only one who thinks about times when you could use these lines in real life for some good laughs. Here are just a few off the top of my head.

ok so your on a one night stand, and something breaks while you are in bed or you just want to mess with her, but the question is what do you say? Well XT002 has the perfect thing to say "I think I broke it.." for maximum affect say in the little kid voice.

So your camping and you want to screw with the people around you. First you build this massive fire then scream at the top of your lungs "BURN YOU MISERABLE WRETCHES" if all goes well here people will call the cops and you can talk about that one time when some idiot wiped your Sarth raid.

Ever have that person come up to you saying they know you from somewhere and you have no clue, of course you have but now you can thank Thorim "I remember you...in the mountains..."

Dress up like a missionary and stand outside a church and pretend your Prophet Skrem "Prepare for the return of the ancient one!"

Ever wonder what would be the perfect way to quit your job? Kologarn has got you covered. Go into your boss' office and yell "OBLIVION" while doingthis make sure you knock everything off their desk with your arm.

You could chse little girls on the street yelling "RUNAWAY LITTLE GIRL" although i don't recomment this one as it is sure to result in some jail time. You might have better luck with "PATCHWORK WANT TO PLAY" but most likely will get the same result.

While getting patched up at the hospital after an injury Kael has the perfect thing to say "O i know what your thinking but Tempest Keep was merely a setback. It was a stepping stone to a much larger plan..." When the doctor or nurse looks at you like your crazy just skip to the end "MY DEMISE ACCOMPLISHES NOTHING THE MASTER WILL HAVE YOU. YOU WILL DROWN IN YOUR OWN BLOOD, YOUR WORLD WILL BURN!!!!" if they actually let you leave it will be a great story to tell people.

Run around like a mad man in a shopping mall and scream "MEDIC" like Mimiron and you are sure to get some attention.

Illidan's "YOU ARE NOT PREPARED" can really be said in the midst of any conversation and will be awesome.

ever wonder what to say while attempting to do a blue angel? Well Algalon has it right "FACE THE FURY OF THE COSMOS"

Mother...well lets not open that can of worms. With lines like "easy come easy go", "I wasn't finished" I am sure you all can use your imagination.

Ok so this wasn't as funny as I thought it would be. oh well maybe it will get a laugh or two


  1. That Kael one made me piss my pants I swear

  2. why do i now picture random people chasing kids down streets now

  3. ROFL! @ Kologarn
    "make sure you knock everything off their desk with your arm." I def laughed

  4. I think the whole arm thing is what makes it funny

  5. Why does everyone think that in the mountains thing is funny

  6. What you talking about man this was funny. I like Sarth the best but because i love that fight

  7. A lot of people don't know about AQ40 but i admit I spit out my drink when i read that one

  8. Roflmao!
    Gauss, you never cease to amaze me.

