You Fail At Valentine's Day If...
- You think it is not a commercial holiday
- You believe your wife/girlfriend won't care if you don't recognize the day
- When you get a bottle of perfume or cologne you spastically spray it at everyone who comes close to you
- You don't understand why this day is called "GFS Day" by many married people
- You are still questioning why you paid $50 for that dozen roses
- You sit beside a picnic basket in the middle of a park with a sign saying "looking for love"
- You dress up like Cupid and shoot people with arrows in an effort to find someone
- You decide the need for a reservation is useless
- When you open a box of chocolates you wonder why there was no gold inside
- You don't like cinnamon heats
- You tried to pickup a card this morning because you forgot what today was
- You believed them when they said "all they really want for Valentine's Day was you"
The key to having a sucessful Valentines is to do whatever your other half wants