You Fail At MMOs If...
- You believe at any time standing in fire is a good choice
- You don't have a general obsession with jumping mindlessly
- You attempt at any moment to kill a level ??
- You believe mages are hard to play
- You think Paladins are part of the cool kids club
- It is the healers fault you died
- Your method of tanking is to taunt randomly over and over
- You hate questing
- You want to do everything alone
- You are unaware what guilds are for
- You do not know the difference between PvP and PvE
- Your mark of a good MMO is how cute the pets are
- You ever thought "insert mmo here" would kill WoW
- You plated Aion for an extend period of time
- You love FTP MMOs because it is the only way you can get gear
and finally
good stuff as always