Tuesday, March 23, 2010

You Fail At Recruiting If...

Tuesday it is! We also have a minor patch to deal with, which is supposed to reduce lag or so they say. Maybe an increase to the ICC buff, turn in my hundreds of marks of honor, and of course get myself a pretty new carpet. So when thinking what my fail post would be this week I thought about the time of year. Generally during this time of year attendance has always become a problem. Maybe it is the fact people want to go outside and do stuff more, people work more, or some other random reason. Regardless it happens so I decided to be of some help.

You Fail At Recruiting If...
  • Your star new recruit was someone who was asking in trade for a raiding guild
  • You invite someone with the name "Awesomemt" only to find out he is a mage
  • You end up with 50% of your raid being DKs, Rogues, and Warriors
  • You believed the guy when he said 71 points in frost was a solid spec
  • You recruited someone whose experience was "I have watched my friend do it"
  • You are looking on ebay
  • You recruit anyone who has any of the following in their toons name"irule", "iown", or "ipwn"
  • Your greatest raider was found in Barrens general chat
  • Your only question for applicants is "Are you ready for an invite?"
  • You are looking for a Disc priest as your new raid healer
  • You believe your recruit when he says there are no useful glyphs for "this class" with "this spec"
  • You don't know enough about your own guild to answer questions from recruits
  • You ask them to place an application on your website without realizing it has been taken over by Turkish hackers
  • You accept applicants because they are female and you feel this will be good for morale

And finally

  • You recruited a pally named "Flashheal" who is ret spec

That is it for this weeks fail. To all who do it you know how much fun it can be. To all who don't well you have no idea what you're missing. Enjoy the mini patch and your Free Loot Tuesday.


  1. "You recruited a pally named "Flashheal" who is ret spec"

    ROFL that made me laugh hardcore


  2. You ask them to place an application on your website without realizing it has been taken over by Turkish hackers

    How do you come up with this stuff LOL

  3. Awesome Frost MageMarch 23, 2010 at 4:02 PM

    what you talking about 71 points in frost is pro!

  4. hey come on ipwnyou is an awesome name!
