There was a very interesting breakfast topic over on
WoW.com today talking about
questlines that you feel are unfinished and want to find a solution to them. Being a
Tauren the
Magatha storyline is something that is extremely important. This is the person responsible for the murder of our beloved Carine. If you haven't done the Thousand Needles zone I will warn you now that there are spoilers in this post. You see in the zone you rescue
Magatha who appears to have been captured by the
Twilights Hammer. You free her because you don't want the
Twilights Hammer to use her as an asset in their vile and corrupted ways. The problem is you are played. You "free"
Magatha and give recover artifacts which are powerful enough to give
Magatha a tremendous amount of power. It is revealed that she is in fact in charge of the Twilight's Hammer in Thousand Needles. It just ends though. What have you created? A raid boss perhaps? Will we see our first ever
Tauren Raid boss and will it be
Magatha Grimtotem? It is something that I actually hope happens. I will take pride is defeating this
Tauren that tried to ruin everything that
Cairne tried to accomplish. She will pay and I hope it is soon.
I see this happening in Deathwings instance honestly. She is too important a character to just be wasted in a questline
ReplyDeleteThere was a WOWInsider topic on "moral dilemmas" a few weeks ago. This quest line was definately one filled with a "should I" or "shouldn't I" feeling. I kept wanting to see if Magatha was changed by her experience. I'm assuming this quest line takes place after all she did in "The Shattering". To think I helped her recover power made me angry.
ReplyDeleteI will happily obliterate her existence.
On the plus side, it's nice to see that there are strong female villains in WOW. Magatha is a complex character. It's going to be interesting to see how her story line is carried out.