Wednesday, June 30, 2010
So They Did It...
If I was not on one of the servers that was down. I would be less pissed, but this whole backdoor thing of doing it is pretty stupid. Why say one thing and do another. Is Blizzard now full of politicians or something? Now they changed all their blue posts stating why it was delayed and just changed them to saying it was delayed. So what is the deal with that? Covering up for your mistakes? Admit you made the mistake, it is that simple. Just don't try to hide it like it never happened because nothing pisses off people more than that.
Ok I am done ranting. Regardless I am going to run the instance today as probably will many of you, if you haven't done so already. Remember tomorrow is the last day to get your submissions in for this week's Reader Post. Happy dragon killing remember to "step away from the head Lee"
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
You Fail At Threat If...
You Fail At Threat If...
- You confuse Omen with Oh man
- Taunt is part of your rotation
- You use mocking blow on iceblocks
- Your tank has a macro to turn you into a ghoul
- You are known for saying "Give me time to get aggro guys" after MDs and ToT have gone out.
- You blow all cooldowns and let loose instead of giving the tank a second
- You are a range who gets bit first on Blood Queen
- You loose aggro to someone not even attacking
- You forget to fade
- You are healing with Righteous Fury
- You are a hunter who refuses to Feign Death
- Vanish has seemed to have vanished from your bars
- You getting Salvation is the beginning of the end
- You use your taunt because it does damage
- You deathgrip to see mobs fly across the screen
and finally
- You loose aggro as a Prot Pally
That is it for this week. Enjoy your Free Loot Tuesday if your server is up. If it is not enjoy the sun shine. If the sun is not shinning go out and sing in the rain.
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Question
Whenever I do something in this game I want to be successful at it. I'll put the work in make it happen. When I bought Wrath of the Lich King my goal was to kill the Lich King, and I have done that. Yes, I got some nice loot and some achievements and those are great extras. But that is exactly what they are. When I finish my Shadowmorne ya it will be awesome, but again just something extra. I think people forget sometimes that this is a game and it is supposed to be fun. Set your goals and know what is fun to you, and do it. Don't let people tell you what you need to do. Look at [Undergeared] they killed Festergut on 10 man this past weekend. They were told that it would be impossible to do in Blue gear. They never backed down and they did it. I wish them good luck on PP, BQ, Sindragosa, and of course the Lich King.
There doesn't have to be a reason to have fun. Just have it.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Ask Gauss
So Llane is down for 24 hours on Tuesday what are you going to do?
Play Battleship. Well not really. Who knows? Guess I will make it a spur of the moment kind of thing and see what happens. I actually will be really disappointed if Ruby Sanctum is live on Tuesday and I am not there to try it. Although from what I have heard it will be the following week. If you question is am I going to go crazy and kill people because I can't play WoW for 24 hours. I will say probably not, but you never truly know how you will be feeling when you wake up in the morning.
How is it you can always get a group of random people to listen to you?
Well they don't all always listen. Ever been on a For The Horde when I say "Don't run up the stairs like a mindless retard?" Then only to see 10 people run up. The point is not everyone is always going to listen, but if they don't and you let people know, you mean what you say they will tend to respect you for it. There is also that carry over, because I run a lot of groups and people come back or have been told how things work. So it is not like I am some random person that people don't know what to expect. So if you are having trouble be firm on what you expect. I try to add a little joke here and there to cool the atmosphere and all is well. Keep at it and you will have people semi doing what they are supposed to in no time.
Can I get your Real ID email so I can add you?
That is not going to happen.
That is it for this week hope you all had a good weekend. Keep coming to Thunder Bluff I will keep defending while I can, and of course next week's Reader Post will be about what you do when the server is down.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Flames Fun
Couple funny stories of mine from the day.
So I was riding to Shadowprey to grab the flame there when I see this Alliance warlock. He wasn't flagged. I was, of course, having just done the Alliance flame in the zone. He must have seen me I was right beside him, but he kept riding to Shadowprey and I was right there with him. He then did his bit on the flame, which flagged him, of course. Then I sure as hell let the guy have it. I don't even think he had time to react to me making him kiss the dirt.
Off to Silithus, I went where this mage decided to attack and went about running away. The Heroic Throw to the face caused him to suffer such an embarrassing death. Later on this mage decided to whisper someone who was with me complaining that "You and your buddy Gauss think you are cool?". I find it funny he never whispered me because I would have told him this festival is very much about PvP and if you are going to do it especially around me expect me to charge right at you.
After killing the King in Stormwind and getting the flame we had a little fun owning the place. I would say I feel bad for that Deathknight who kept trying, but after I killed him like 6 times you would have thought he would have stopped attacking me and tried someone else.
And it is not even over yet! Look for me defending Thunder Bluff and of course I will be running around the rest of the Eastern Kingdoms tonight.
Friday, June 25, 2010
The Story Of My Class
I rolled a warrior because after 3 1/2 years of playing a paladin i just had to quit. I'm not really sure y, but i think it had to do with healing, buffing in raids with retard paladins that didn't know wtf they were doing, cleansing, DI's, and just all the other stuff my class did to support other classes. Warriors just pwn, we are "the man" we main tank huge bosses, we have great pvp dps, and great pve dps. I"m not selling paladins out saying they can't do this stuff, but a warrior will never have to heal, besides bandages and pots/healthstones lol. I hate healing moreless i guess.
I rolled a Mage because of the Big Blue Dress Video. I thought that guy was owning shit up and I want to do that.
My Blood Elf Hunter, was started because my sisters moronic fiance said "hey you should play a hunter, they get pets!". Me being new to the game didn't think to really look into what I wanted to play, so I went ahead with it. Chose bloodelves because I found all other horde races hideous, and I refused to play alliance.
I had a dream where this random guy came up to me and said you should be a shaman.
Undead because there city was the coolest looking per BC IMO, and mage because something about hurling fireballs at mobs and people makes me feel all warm inside =P
I chose a Tauren warrior because before I started playing WoW, my friend showed me the "Pat PVP" video, and even though I didn't really know what it was, I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Ironically I hate/suck at PVP.
I had no idea what druids were when I started, and they sounded cool so I chose it, and considering my friends all played alliance back on blackhand, i chose the NE. Happy with my choice over all, cause everyone knows druids are the chosen class.
Well my first ever char was a dwarf pally....until I learned that the vast majority of people on the ally side are children. So like many I came horde side. Before BC came out when I heard they were making a horde race able to be a pally it was a no brainer....and between male and female Belf...common the dance alone was reason enough, I would rather look like a movie star rather then someone with no coordination.
I made an orc warrior on Medivh because a couple friends had lvl 60's there. they came to watch me in the starting area and goofed around as I leveled. Probably got him to about 17 before another guy I worked with who played an Alliance human warlock invited me to Khaz Modan since he was only about lvl 22 so I created my Rogue. I decided to roll a rogue since I played Diablo 2 Expansion as an Assassin and really liked how they were set up with combo points. When creating my character I decided to make it female since I had stared at an orcs ass for 17 levels and decided if I'm going to be rolling behind this thing all the time I might as well make it female. After getting to 60 and raiding I have decided that I will not roll another female toon since it confuses the crap out of people.
I rolled a warrior to be OP, to dps when my class is clearly meant to tank, to let others practice CC on me, to suck at 1v1s, because MS is LOL, and of course spamstring.
So that is it for this week. Thank you all for the submissions I enjoyed reading them all including all the ones that couldn't be included due to the length the post would be. Enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I Am Not Race Changing To Goblin

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
How You Know The Servers Are Down
- You just noticed it is summer time
- You had a meal that wasn't cooked in the microwave
- You are playing Battleship on yahoo games
- Your YouTube view counter doubles in size within the hour
- You talked to someone who wasn't on Vent
- You go to bed at a reasonable time
- You start your stories with "This one time the server was down..."
- You keep refreshing the server status page everyone 2 minutes
- You complain how your server is always the last one up
- You email Blizzard telling them you will stop playing their stupid game if the servers aren't up in an hour. You send the same email an hour later.
- You brush your hair
- You are still playing battleship
- You update your facebook statues every 10 minutes complain about how the server is down
- You look at your screenshots wondering if you will every see that place again
- The first server that pops up you make a toon on. When you get on the server there is like 200 Level 1 toons all around you.
- When someone jokes about the server being up you resemble someone who should be taking anger management classes.
- You log on after hours of waiting only to be stuck at a loading screen and disconnect
Enjoy the new patch and be careful with Real ID.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
You Fail At Desecrating Flames If...
You Fail At Desecrating Flames If...
- You think Hordies will just let you get the flame
- You run to your flight master outside Everlook only to realize I killed it
- You think I will give up chasing after you
- You think you can stealth in as low level
- You take the Zep from Orgrimmar to Thunder Bluff only to be Thunderfucked off the Bluff
- You charge at me then after realizing who you charged you run like hell
- You think you being killed gets any less fun
- You realize you are missing a flight path
- You are unaware of where the flames are located
- You don't kill the NPCs when desecrating so the flame is unable to be honored
- You follow me around expecting me to protect you
- You are doing this only to earn gold
- You don't purge all settlements as you pass through, creating a path of destruction
- You say to yourself or others "How do I get there?" while running around
and finally
- You think you are getting my Thunder Bluff flame while I am there
That good luck getting the flames. To all the people I killed yesterday in Thunder Bluff I hope you keep trying because I will be happy to keep killing you over and over. Enjoy your Free Loot no real Patch Day Patch Day.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Midsummer Fire Festival
Here a few fun things to do
Group with a shaman and defend the Thunder Bluff Flame. Watch and enjoy as he Thunderfucks people off the Bluff. This increases in hilarity the more people in the group of alliance. It is funny with the priest too just not as much.
Get people to follow you around to no where in alliance cities and pretend you are lost and have no idea where the flame is.
Ninja all the loot from Ahune from random people who need the gear. Make sure to have other epics you can shard on you. Then shard those things in front of them and trade them the shards.
Open a GM ticket and ask him random questions about the festival. Examples being "Is it really safe to promote playing with fire?", "Why don't my robes catch fire when I mess up catching the torch?", and "Is there a way I can use the flame to actually set Silvermoon on fire? Because that would really make the Festival the greatest around."
Enjoy the Festival's events I know I will!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Ask Gauss
Is WoW a hard game?
To be completely honest, no. The game is actually built this way so that it can be played by a large variety of people. It is good for the bottom line. This is also why WoW doesn't have the best graphics engine compared to other MMOs. More people can play so they have the ability to make more money.
Now WoW does have a difficulty system so that players who want to do something more difficult can do so. WoW comes down to standing where you are supposed to, killing what you are supposed to, or healing who you are supposed to. Then of course when any of one of these things goes wrong just blame lag or Blizzard for a stupid glitch.
What are of the stupid things people have asked you?
Here is a list
Where is the mailbox in Dalaran?
Why don't I have defensive stance?
Can I have 5000g for my epic flying I know you won't miss it?
Where do you catch fish?
So you can really learn to speak common in the barrens?
So I am in Silithus now where do I find that vendor?
Do you pay me before or after I jump off TB?
Do you type out Pi every time?
Are you trying to kill me?
Why is ret a bad spec?
Why is Champion of the Frozen Wastes such a bad title?
Is this really a serious question?
That is it for this week. Keep on sending them in and I will do my best to answer them, poke fun at you for answering such a question, or question you for asking such a question. Next Friday's Reader Post will be why you chose the class you did.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The Hogger Facination
Here are a few facts about Hogger
- He has 666 health
- He started the 40 level 1 raids.
- He is a memory of the Argent Confessor
- He was voted #24 of 47 in the list of the most diabolical video game villains of all time
- His description in division 7 reads "An unbeatable 40 man raid boss in World of Warcraft"
- During Blizzcon 2009 he was the last encounter for Premonition he was buffed up to Level 80 heroic mode and they were unable to take him down.
- There is a horde guild called [Hogger Protection] made of horde that there sole purpose is to prevent hogger from being killed
- You can check "Deaths to Hogger" in your statistics
There was this video for the Rise to Power contest
So I don't understand it at all or who or what started it, but it is there...
Friday, June 18, 2010
Sorry I Didn't Vote For Them
Varok Saurfang: Many complain that Thrall is too passive and that Garrosh is too aggressive and you even said that if one of them were to become a little more like the other they would be the perfect leader. Saurfang is already that guy. He is one that could united both camps and bring glory to the horde.
"A true orc warrior - wishes for one thing: To die in the glory of battle against a hated enemy. Some of you have fought in battles. Peace has been with us for many years. Many years we sat idle but many years we battled. In those years - where strife the land and Legion and Scourge sacked our homes, killed our families - these insects dwelled beneath us. Beneath our homes - waiting. Waiting to crush the life from our little ones. To slay all in their path. This they do for their god. And for our gods? We defend. We stand. We show that as one. United. We destroy. Their god will fall. To die today, on this field of battle, is to die an orcish death. To die today is to die for our little ones. Our old ones. Our… loved ones. Would any of you deny yourselves such a death? Such an honor?"
Varian Wrynn: Despite his actions he is exactly what the alliance needs. He is tactical, strong willed and knows how to fight himself. So much so that when Malfurion formed the army to fight against the Nightmare he put Varian in charge of the army. Knowing that Malfurion has the confidence to trust him to lead not only the alliance, but the alliance and horde armies, I would say he is the leader of leaders.
"A gladiator's life is simple: You win and live, or lose and die. A king's life is more complex. The only truth for a king is that there are no easy answers."
Rhonin: Rhonin has been able to befriend orcs, dwarfs, dragons, night elves, and himself marry a high elf. He has been able to connect races more so than anyone else. In the war of the ancients he brought the races together to allow for the turn of the tide. He would be someone that all the races would stand behind if it came to that.
"You have that admirable disposition and manner of dark dress that means you must belong to Deathwing's flight. And since you're not the rabid dog or his two worst pups, I'd hazard by your grand posturing that you must be one of his prime bitches."
Tirion Fordring: He is the champion of the light. He took us into Icecrown Citadel and did what had to be done. Arthas was slain and the alliance and the horde did not end up killing one another. There is not many who could have done what he has done, and for that he should be commended.
"Rise, Darion...and listen. We have all been witness to a terrible tragedy; the blood of good men has been shed upon this soil. Honorable knights, slain defending their lives...our lives. And while such things can never be forgotten, we must remain vigilant in our cause. The Lich King must answer for what he has done and must not be allowed to cause further destruction in our world! I make a promise to you now brothers and sisters: The Lich King will be defeated! On this day, I call for a union! The Argent Dawn and the Order of the Silver Hand will come together as one! We will succeed where so many before us have failed! We will take the fight to Arthas, and we will tear down the walls of Icecrown! The Argent Crusade comes for YOU, Arthas!"
Turalyon: Yes he is a paladin, but more so a commander. He was able to still defeat the horde when the alliance's greatest champion fell for all to see. He more than anyone is someone I want to see come into the Warcraft story. No one horde or alliance has anything on him or his ability to lead. Lothar believed in him even when he didn't believe in himself. He is the real champion of Azeroth.
"You will stand trial for your crimes. You will stand in Capital City, in chains as the leaders of the Alliance decide your fate, and there you will acknowledge your full defeat. But you will not be so lucky. You will die here, with the rest of your kind, and this world will be rid of your taint forever!"
That is it for this week. I tried to include those that weren't obvious. I included Varian because I read Stormrage and I thought that little blurb would get many of you interested in it. Be sure to check back Sunday to see what next weeks topic will be.
Enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
10 Mans, What Fun
Of course doing so would probably cause problems of a different sort. 10 mans, the way they currently, serve as practice or a tutorial for 25 man guilds. The content is easier and you get expierenc in most if not all situations before you do so on 25 man. Also with this being such an issue lately makes me quite fearful of Cataclysm.
Why you ask? Well if there is no incentive to do 25s then 10 mans are going to be the way to go. Which of course means the joy of making groups in terms of maximum progression for the guild. This of course means stacking groups so that they would progress the fastest. This would most definitely make people think they just aren't good enough. In turn people get upset, leave to do their own thing, or just hang around and complain how they are getting screwed over. Oh I can't wait, how about you?
Reminder today is the last day to get in your submissions for tomorrow Reader's Post. For those who don't remember or can't look back and check Sunday's post. The topic is your opinion of the best leader currently in the game. Keep on keeping on.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Everyone Wants Everything
Have you ever read any of the suggestion forums it is full of crap to make someones toon the most overpowered thing in the history of WoW. Some of them are so out of whack they try to explain why something isn't overpowered and how it could be balanced. I guess this is the nature of the world we live in everyone wants what is best for them. On this not I have invented a couple of abilities for warriros one for each spec.
Ownage Copter: This talent will allow you extend the duration of Bladstorm by intercepting to targets. Each time you successfully intercept while under the effects of Bladestorm the duration will increase by 6 seconds with every successful intercept. Each time you also do this intercept will have no cooldown.
Big Number Smash: This allows you to Cleave, Whirlwind, Heroic strike, and Bloodthirst all at once. The result is what the name says lots of big numbers. This ability has a 10 second cooldown.
Titan Shield Wall: Allows you to equipped a shield in both hands and use abilities that require a melee weapon even if you are not in fact using one. This will also allow you to block and spell reflect at the same time since you have two shields of course!
Now you may think these are stupid and ridiculous, but there is someone who will read it and said "OMFG THEY NEED TO PUT THAT IN".
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
You Fail At Hard Mode If...
You Fail At Hard Mode If...
- You have to call Marrowgar Professor Bonestorm so you don't take the fight as a joke.
- You are still trying to up your heal numbers by standing in Death and Decay
- You admit to not being able to kite Blood Beasts because you are a clicker
- You wipe on Loot Ship
- You are one of those "I am too awesome to switch targets" DPS
- You complain you didn't get enough heals when you had 15+ stacks of Shadow Prison
- You kill people who get MC'd because it is amusing
- You get MC'd on Blood Queen
- You think hard mode trash is entertaining
- You the victim of a blood beast facial
- You are a healer and failed to heal yourself when inflicted with Mark of the Champion
- You get a closeup of the reanimated adds exploding on Deathwhisper
- You still misunderstand the term "stack up" and confuse it with "do your own thing in the corner"
- The phrase "why are we wiping on this easy boss" repeatably comes out of your mouth, because you don't understand this is in fact hard mode.
- You keep screaming "Taunt you idiot" without knowing the boss is in fact untauntable.
and finally
- You were constantly out healed by a ret pally on normal mode
That is it for this week. Hopefully your Free Loot Tuesday goes off without a problem.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Cataclysm Press Event
Path of the Titans Scrapped
Now I know a lot of people were looking forward to this as a way to make your character truly yours. My opinion of this is if they couldn't implement it correctly I don't want it in the game. If their is one thing I hate is like mini patch after mini patch to fix things that were implemented poorly. Does anyone remember how awful this was during classic WoW?
So instead what are they doing? Well they are overhauling inscription. There will now be three tiers of glyphs. Major glyphs as we have now used to enhance core abilities and granted a major glyph spot at the level caps. Really how they work now. Minor glyphs which are small enhancements and these will be kept the same. The change will be that they are promising that all classes will now get a use out of their minor glyphs. Lastly, they are adding medium glyphs. The way these are being explained are cosmetic changes to non core abilities, to make lets say "fun" changes.
No talents, no currency they have been scrapped.
The talents have been scrapped, because you would have got everything anyway when your guild leveled up. So blizzard is now the one who decides the order in which you get these perks. The currency is being replaces by rewards as you earn reputation with your guild and as it levels up. Yes I said reputation. My take on it is the more you do with your guild(raid, pvp, instance, etc) the more rep you will get. One of things they have mentioned is tabards for your mounts to make them more guildafied.
They are also changing the guild UI to display the XP of the guild and the current achievements and boss kills you have. Also the guild roster will display members professions for easy access for everyone.
Raids and Dungeons
Grim Batol's Bastion of Twilight is one of Cataclysm's entry level raids. There will be five bosses, with the end boss being Cho'gall. Defeating Cho'gall on hard mode will reveal another step in Cataclysm's Lore.
Skywall's Vortex Pinnacle is another 5 man, a flying palace in the Elemental Plane of Air. Flying mounts will work, but there will be no flying combat.
War of the Ancients has officially been announced as the Caverns of Time instance. Although which timeline is unsure. This though will not be released with Cataclysm it will be a future content patch. My guess is the way Mount Hyjal worked.
Players locked to a 25 man raid will have the option to split your raid ID into three parts, so you can split into three smaller 10man raids. All three raids will pick up at the same point the 25man raid stopped. Once split, the raid cannot be made back into a 25 man. Also, while 10-man raids were intentionally easier than 25 man raids in Wrath, that is not the case in Cataclysm.
Raid IDs will not be as strict as they are now. If your raid fails but you find another raid that has killed the same bosses, you can leave your ID and join theirs. This has also been explained as you can join a raid that has closed more, just not less. Algalonish encounters are not going away; there will be many more of them for both 10 and 25man raids. At this point there is no talk of a new TRH to pretend you killed such bosses.
Lastly 25 man raids will provide more loot per player about 50% more.
WoW does Egypt is still planned. Uldum will be this place, a cat-like race known as the Tol'vir will be introduced here.
Deepholm the place where Deathwing has been resting or rebuilding, depending upon who you ask. He has broken through Deepholm and then through the Maelstrom. Maybe this means they will get into some of the lore in regards to this.
The Skybreaker and Orgrim's Hammer are in Deepholm, though the Skybreaker has appeared to hav shot down Orgrim's Hammer.
Two new battlegrounds. Twin Peaks and the Battle for Gilneas. More planned in future patches. Twins peasks will be a Warsong type capture the flag with the base graveyard and a midfield rez point.
Rated battlegrounds will only be played against other raided teams. There is also a cap on the Conquest points you can earn per week no matter how many you play. The rewards will work like Arena rewards with titles and mounts except the Battleground mount will be a ground mount.
Archaeology's focus will be on showing off the lore of the game and learning Azeroth's history. Players will find two types of artifacts one being Lore artifacts. The other will be cosmetic rewards. This profession will be entirely optional just like the other secondary professions.
I like this since now there won't be this mass of people searching for all these artifacts at once, and really the people that want to know the history and the story will be doing it.
Other Notes
Garrosh is acting Warchief. He has moved his throne room to the Centre of Orgrimmar and the Valley of Wisdom is now the Tauren District.
Deathwing opens a can of whoop ass on the park in Stormwind, destroying it. No word on if the druid trainer survived.
Heirloom items will be able to be used by Goblins and Worgens. That is the heirlooms that are currently in the game, but these items only work up until Level 80.
That is pretty much all the information in pointish type form. For the most part I like the changes. I am interested what kind of things I can do with the Medium Glyphs, what the Cho'gall event is and of course the need for a Tauren district.
To finish I just want to say something to a reader and a guild member of mine that has decided to end his WoW Career. Whirl keep chasing those BIG NUMBERS.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Ask Gauss
The Grim Batol raid instance will be called the Bastion of Twilight, and you get to fight Cho'gall as the end boss! If you manage to defeat him in Heroic Mode, a horrific secret will be revealed when he dies.
I'll just let you all chew on that. So now that you are probably quite distracted after reading that, time for the questions.
So I recently heard you are both the Guild Leader and Raid Leader for your guild. Isn't that difficult to pull off?
At times it is harder than I would like. As a guild leader you are trying to build a guild where people get along and achieve the goals at hand. As a raid leader you want to assemble the best possible raid for each and every encounter. Now sometimes I find myself being more of a raid leader and not always thinking about who or what I am bringing in. Meaning will the recruits have the raid time? Forgetting about personalities and how they may crash. Also it can go the other way. Am I letting too much slack because I am concerned how they will react and not treating them how a raid leader should.
I think I have learned to balance it. Also being one has its advantages at times. I don't have to deal with a raid leader thinking he is above everyone. I report to myself basically and know exactly what does need to be done each raid or each week in the guild. While recruiting I can bring in people and can do all the checks at once and can bring in people with going through others. Not that this is always a good thing, but is helpful at times.
So like anything ups and downs, but it can work if you have the patience to get it right.
Do you think Garrosh will make a good Warchief?
One thing I want to stress is that in everything that I have read is he is acting Warchief. This I assume is because Thrall is captured. This is also part of the reasons the Goblins join the Horde. If you think though, does Thrall really have a successor besides Garrosh? Maybe this will allow Thrall to see if he would be the right person for the job. I will say though I love what Garrosh does to Orgrimmar makes it a true warrior city.
The main arguments against Garrosh is that he is the Anti-Thrall. I don't disagree that he is at all. The point being in these times that will be upon Azeroth we need someone who is more hands on. Maybe Thralls capture will teach him to be more hands on, and maybe with Thrall gone Garrosh could learn to be more diplomatic. Therefore in the end we could have 2 people that would be what the horde needs.
Do you have any advice for someone just starting out?
Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.
That is it for this week. The NDA on the alpha is not completely lifted, but there is some information being given to the press. So take a look there are some interesting developments. I will probably do something regarding these developments in the next day or two. Lastly, the next Reader Post will be who you think is the best Leader currently in the game.
Enjoy what is left of your weekend.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Old Fashion Ass Whooping
To the Trade District we went. Of course with the achievements done not everyone stays, but a good number started with us. The trek to the trade district was rather funny. Along came these slow ass defenders maybe 3 or 4 running to save their King. When, of course, they run right into the raid group. They were plowed over like they were nothing. When we got to the Trade District just took no prisoners. All flagged and all NPCs were taken down. People tried to stand up but it was obvious we had the numbers. At the 15 minute mark many got bored of the Alliance not defending and ported out. This is of course when the Alliance started massing defenders when we were down to about 18 people.
We lasted for about 30 minutes before we were just overwhelmed by their numbers. Of course it finished with the trademark teabag and laugh at Gauss. Apparently they weren't there when we were owning your city for 30 minutes. You are indeed the ones that should be ashamed. I always see it as a good day when I take down a few of the people teaming up on me before my face hits the pavement.

Thank you all who contributed to my 217 kills in Stormwind.
Friday, June 11, 2010
They Have The Best Blueberry Pie
Ironforge: Even know you play horde you have to respect Ironforge because of the Lore. Ironforge has never been taken. All other capitals have been taken and to be rebuilt or relocated. Ironforge has never been taken, never once! It is the impenetrable fortress that will be defended till the end.

Halaa: Before Wintergrasp there was Halaa. The area of constant fun and games for hours upon hours. I would never not be in Nagrand and not trying to either defend it or do the bombing runs while attacking. The best part was there was always the same people over and over and you got to know them and how they would react. I enjoy Wintergrasp, but it just isn't the same.Thunder Bluff: Not only is Thunder Bluff a quiet city, where the people who are there are the people who want to be there. It is home to some of the most scenic shots in all the warcraft universe. This is why beyond doubt it is my favourite settlement.
So that is it for this week's Reader Post. Be sure to make your contributions for next week's topic and as always it will be announced this Sunday. To all you soccer loving people enjoy the World Cup. To everyone else enjoy your weekend.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Race Pride

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Win Your Guild Beta Keys
- I have played the game since the beginning
- We have all played together a long time through good times and bad
- None of us have never been apart of a beta
- I think Warcraft is awesome
- We all play everyday non stop and would be great testers
If Blizzard removes all the entries that said something dealing with one of those 5 topics then they would probably removed at least 75% of all the entries. So my advice is to write about what makes your guild special compared to others. What sets you apart? Basically give Blizzard a reason to pick you. Don't follow the crowd, do your own thing. When I write mine for my guild I will be sure to share it with you all to show you what I am talking about. Of course I don't want to give anything away, because then my idea wouldn't be too original, would it?
So good luck to you all because you will be competing against myself. Reminder, that tomorrow night is the last day to get in your submissions for your favourite settlement in the game and why. I look forward to reading some more of them.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
You Fail At The WoW Real Life Barrier If...
You Fail At The WoW Real Life Barrier If...
- You ask a girl you're on a date with if she really is a girl
- Instead of asking for a ride you ask for a port
- You push your push to talk button when talking to someone in the room
- You question why would you eat food that doesn't give you a buff
- You make the auction house noise after you buy something at a store
- Your honeymoon was or will be at Blizzcon
- You can't go see that movie because "you're not attuned"
- You set your work schedule around your raiding schedule
- You complain why the grocery store doesn't use OneBag
- You have a son named Arthas
- When fixing something you complain how the parts would be cheaper if they were cloth
- You wonder if Tankspot has a strat for buying new clothes
- You ask someone to pickup something up from the vendor on their way home
- You ask someone to conjure you up some food
- You accuse people of ninjaing your parking space
- Your pickup line is "Looking for 1 more Dinner and a Movie"
- When someone asked you to come to a party you say "10 or 25?"
and finally
- When a doctor sends you to a specialist you call him a noob for not maxing his profession
That is it for this week hope it was worth waiting for. Good Luck this Free Loot Tuesday.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Maybe You Haven't Heard
- Naxx
- Sartharion +1
- Malygos
- Ulduar
- ToC
Yes all of this is past content but remember they are clearing all this in blue gear. Not to mention their current progress in Icecrown Citadel.
- Lord Marrowgar
- Lady Deathwhisper
- Gunship
- Deathbringer Saurfang
- Rotface
- Blood Princes
Now maybe people will argue that they have the 20% buff, and that they do and don't deny that. What you cannot deny is that 68% of guilds have killed Blood Princes on 10 man [Undergeared] being one of them. So that is 32% of guilds some probably completely equipped with all the right gear and cannot do what they have done. I will never say they wont have the DPS for the remaining bosses at hand, or that the Healers gear just isn't enough to support Dreamwalker. I am cheering for them for the simple reason every guildie past and present who has ever said "we don't have the gear for this". Of course gear will help make up for some mistakes or mishaps you may have, but it is far from a requirement. I can now just point to [Undergeared] as the proof I need.
Keep doing what you are doing and I hope you can get another one of the "doubters" fights soon. If any reader wants more information on Gevlon's project just click here.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Ask Gauss
When you recruit people off server do you give them full time spots automatically?
I treat server transfers like anyone else. I give them the chance to preform and prove themselves. If they show me they can be at the level I expect them to be then they will get that spot. I give nothing out for free, everything must be earned. I tell them this straight when I recruit them. They have to earn the spot they want. It is not my concern that they had to pay to transfer and/or faction change. I find this gets me players that are not only serious, but also ones that are confident in their own abilities. These are the players I want. Someone who isn't up to the challenge won't come over and make that monetary investment. This is also why it is almost better to recruit off server this way, because you will get people who don't want to waste what they put in to come over. So win win. I think also the recruits respect that I am honest with them and give it to them straight. I don't give them baseless promises that I have no intent on keeping.
Do you play with anyone you know out in the real world?
I do. This is also a sketchy thing to do if you are serious about your gameplay. For there could be the option that you both are good players and fit well with one another. There is also the option that one of you is bad and has to put up with the other one. This situation can cause stress, because you always have to cover for the other one and find reasons why you put up with the other one. The last option is people can use the friendship in a way that can actually harm the friendship. You push one another to the limits because you know in the end you won't do anything. This can lead to what people think is favouritism. This is a very slippery slope and you should be very careful not to tread this path. Remember in the end it is a game just let your friendship get worse or make your gameplay any less fun. I really think that is the most important thing to remember.
What is the thing you say most often in raids?
Sadly probably "Just wipe it!".
That is it for the week. Keep sending along all your questions and maybe yours will be picked for next weeks. Friday's Reader Post will be about your favourite settlement in the game. Make sure you tell me why it liked or disliked.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Just Dust In The Wind
Total Deaths: 6701
Total Deaths 5 Player Heroics: 647
Total Deaths in 10 Player Raids: 1325
Total Deaths in 25 Player Raids: 2967
Deaths in Naxxramas: 197
Deaths in Ulduar: 530
Deaths in Trial of the Crusader: 7
Deaths in Icecrown Citadel: 474
Deaths from Falling: 106
Now looking at those stats the ToC one is obviously messed up somehow because I can off the head remember at least 10 specific times with complete detail where I died. The stat I find the most disturbing is my heroic deaths that is one crazy number. The 106 deaths from falling is rather embarrassing. This makes me wonder as well how much time playing this game has been spent running back to my corpse. Remember these stats only start being counted at patch 3.0, who knows how many total deaths I have had over the years.
Maybe there should be an achievement for over 9000 deaths I will probably have that one in the bag by the time Cataclysm rolls around. Looking at more of these stats though might just scare me a little. Excuse me I must run back to my corpse now.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Yep That's My Fav
10)Sylvanas Windrunner: Once the Ranger-General of Silvermoon, Sylvanas Windrunner was murdered by the death knight Arthas and brought back as a creature of undeath. After regaining her free will she rebelled against the Lich King and the Scourge and became the founder of the Forsaken faction of undead, who are allied with the Horde. She has styled herself the Dark Lady, Queen of the Forsaken, an expansion of her original title, "the Banshee Queen".

That is it for this week thanks to everyone who voted. As always next week's Reader Post topic will be announced on Sunday.
Enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Using Lines From Movies
When asked why are you swapping me out of the raid you use. This line from the Count of Monte Cristo
When all the stupid trade chat is going on and on and won't seem to stop. We look to Gladiator.
Some idiot just wont get it through his head that the amount of gold they are offering is not enough. Look to Happy Gilmore.
The obvious when you are taking a bio break. Go back to the staple from Terminator 2 Judgement Day.
When there is pointless drama going on with something or another. We go to The Dark Knight.
Standing at the gates of Stormwind and when you are asked where you are going. Look to Braveheart for the answers.
Your raid keeps wiping for some stupid ass reason. Network has the perfect line for you.
Wondering how to respond when someone is asking to join your guild or arena team. Jerry McGuire has the answer for you.
When someone dies with Necrotic Plague in the raid on Lich King. We go to Pineapple Express.
Finally when whoever asked to bring their DK to the raid we go to The Departed.
So there you have it have them ready. Isn't it great that movies always know what to say. Tonight is the last day to get in your votes for the Favourite characters in Warcraft Lore.